1-Pg Stories: No. 772

Hello, hello, hello! I’m here to introduce our new Korean TL: Calamansi Ensj! The following is a Korean short story that they have translated. Although I can tell you right now that nobody else here understands Korean, Calamansi Ensj is a translator who is quite well-known in the translator community for his quality (does just “ensj” sound familiar?), so please be welcoming~ I promise this isn’t MTL~~

As for why his name is different here, well, this is an orange-themed group, you know~? Of course I have to take advantage of being in charge (sorta) to make everyone pick an orange species to be named after, right~? ; 3

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GG Chapter 3

Is this an illusion? Is this a dream? No! It’s reality!

More seriously, I’m really sorry, guys, I had a hard time taking care of this, B1G1F, and real life all at the same time. The good news is that since I dropped B1G1F, I won’t have to worry about releases for that anymore. The bad news is I’m still going to be busy even though that won’t be an additional issue.

I also have a bunch of shorts I’ve had to put on hold for a while and one is even Korean! More on that when I get that far, hehe.

I know this is really irresponsible of me, but I can’t seem to only work on one project without burning out quickly, so I’ll be doing a few teasers on the side. I plan to somewhat regularly (ish?) update one of the teasers with an additional chapter when I can, but I don’t think I’ll officially pick anything up until I’ve finished up GG, simply because I’ve found I’m extremely fickle about projects.

So, for now, I hope you enjoy the teasers (when they come out) and this lovely chapter that took forever!


Jewel Excavation changed to Jewel Extraction

“Blacksmithing” skill changed to Equipment Forging

剑侠 (Censorship’s character classification) changed from “swordsman” to “wanderer” because 剑客 also exists, apparently. It also was “wandering swordsman” for a while, but hopefully not too many people read it as that.

Slight changes in naming of the Healer Job Classes (took out “The” from “The Classic of Herbal Medicine” because it works better as a job class name).

In-game currency changed to “gold” because this translator is a noob and doesn’t always read properly T^T

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B1G1F Chapter 036 and Announcement

Hi all, I’m sorry to say that I will be dropping B1G1F.

School just keeps getting busier and, unfortunately, I like GG a lot more than I like this project, so. . . priorities!

Yes, I released a lot more of this project than of GG, but that’s mostly because it is easy to translate and the chapters are really short. That means that translating it in my limited free time goes a lot faster.

However, I’d much rather work on something I genuinely enjoy than to keep forcing me on a project I’d be dropping eventually anyway because of the path the story takes later on.

I won’t go into details (you can read spoilers for that), but the story gets quite a lot darker later on to an extent that I am extremely uncomfortable with where it all goes.

I will also be doing a few teasers on the side because, no matter how much I like a project, I still need to switch up what I work on a bit every once and a while. . . . (My brain can only take so much of something before it needs a break. . . .)

Before anyone freaks out, I’m dropping this after I release chapter 37, so there’s one more chapter. I did my best to make sure the cliff wouldn’t be too big, but, well, you know how it is with this kind of story. . . .

Once again, sorry everyone, and I hope you enjoy this second to last chapter!

B1G1F Chapter 036

Discord Issues

Hi guys, so quick note about the discord server. For some reason, if you aren’t given a role before you log out, you will occasionally get kicked from the server?

I did remake the link, so access should be fine now. (I tested it too.)

But, I guess, if you get kicked without ever getting a role, it’s not that we don’t like you, ok? Just technical difficulties. . . . T-T

I thought we fixed it because not everyone was kicked, but now that I think about it, it was probably like that because different people used different links. . . .

Hopefully it’s fixed, if it isn’t, um, come back and say something? ;-;

Aside from that, making progress on the next chapters I’ll be releasing, so that’s a plus.

I hope everyone has a nice day! (or night)

Mass Release Chain End!

Sorry guys, I couldn’t fit in another chapter. >.<

As for the count of extra chapters now queued, there are 11 total that I will do my best to get out when I can. This means that you may be seeing one chapter every two weeks or more depending on how my breaks work out.

Now, if you’ve been doing the math, I’m sure you’ll be a bit confused. After all, my goal was to do 3 chapters a day for a week, meaning 21 chapters total, but I only successfully translated 13 of them. By this math, I should have only 8 extra chapters, right?

Well, thing is, those extra 3 chapters were two overdue chapters and one regular release that I had been planning on tacking onto the end as an added bonus.

Unfortunately, my evil plan on trolling you all did not quite work out, so. . . you should be seeing more frequent releases for a bit until school sledgehammers me again. : )

Thank you all very much for your patience, I’m glad that my slowness has been accepted by you all, I really appreciate it.

I’m thinking of giving you guys a little something extra over my long break that starts a bit over a month from now, so I hope you all look forward to that! ; 3

Now, I’m going to crash! Brain has died, see you all later!

Nothing Today

Sorry guys, after I got home from school today I crashed and before I knew it it was this late. No chapters today, sorry. >.<

The good(?) news is that there are now 4 extra chapters I will be releasing after this event? So I guess you can look forward to more frequent releases for a while after this. . . .

Captivated By You is Picked Up!

As the title of this post says, Novitranslation has picked up Captivated by You! You might have known already if you’re on Novelupdates, though.

Their project page is here (Link) while the first chapter is here (Link). They called the prologue of Captivated the first chapter, however, so hopefully that clears up confusion as to why their first chapter leads back here to the prologue chapter, while their second chapter is the actual first chapter.

Either way, I hope you’ll all have fun reading it! ♡

Mass Release I

Happy Chinese New Year!

B1G1F Chapter 004

B1G1F Chapter 005

B1G1F Chapter 006

B1G1F Chapter 007

B1G1F Chapter 008

B1G1F Chapter 009

B1G1F Chapter 010

And thanks to Karen for her kind donation!

Broken link? Missing paragraph? Any other problem with the above?

Please comment below so I can find it! Include the chapter number and the problem, if it’s a text problem, please include context! Thanks!

(I’m not used to releasing so many chapters at once, so I admit I got a bit dizzy. Wouldn’t be surprised if there’s at least one or more issues.)

Status Update: Rearranging and B1G1F

Alright, so I finally decided to stop trolling and finally updated the Project Page. You can still find the somewhat dubious Progress Page there, but there is also going to be a list of the projects we have that I will keep updated on whether they’re In Progress, Dropped, Completed, etc.

This may be completely unnecessary considering there will be an announcement if anything is ever dropped, but I’m sure a little extra information and ease in location of said information won’t hurt anyone.

Sorry that this is not another chapter, but there will be at least one more release this month, don’t worry.

Right, B1G1F will be officially moved to Ainushi for the next releases. Now there are two ways I can go about this. I could continue to post announcements when I release those chapters on Ainushi and give links, or I could just tell you guys when I next release (which will be on Ainushi and only on Ainushi), link you, and let you all move over there. If you have an opinion, feel free to vote. Otherwise, I’ll just do whatever I feel like doing for it and then move on with life.

[Poll will close when January ends : ) ]

Site Updates etc

I decided that since the original schedule we tried to follow fell apart, might as well let everyone know how things are going. ^ ^

Going to see if I can add a widget for it. . . . Annnnnd that’s more of a pain than I thought it would be, so I’ll just put a page or something instead. ^ ^

So, look forward to that! I’ll do my best to keep it updated and it’ll have information about the progress of each chapter we’re working on. There are guaranteed to be some other things released besides, but since they aren’t my or mikan’s own personal projects, I’m not going to really account for them. ^ ^

I hope it helps!

EDIT: Progress page now exists, may it live long and prosperously until I decide to change it into something else.

EDIT 2: Btw, if you’re wondering where it is, it’s that little W spot at the bottom of the page. If you click on it, you’ll be led straight there.