GG Chapter 4

Hello, hello, I’m back from the land of the dead and hopefully will be able to translate more for a while! Who knows~

Besides this chapter, I’ve also been working on fixing the summary for GG, so hopefully that will be TLC’d soon and everything will be updated! My TLC is getting onto me about being lazy about reTLing GG chapter 1, so maybe that will also be fixed in the near future. (It probably won’t be.)

Anyway, enjoy!

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1-Pg Stories: No. 271

Here’s another of the short stories!

Considering that I was cruel last time and gave no warnings, I’ll be kind this time and say that this story I would classify under the genres of Horror and Psychological.

This story is rather creepy, so if you don’t like that sort of thing, I suggest you pass on this one.

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Harem 001

Ok, let me just say that processing this chapter took a lot longer than I thought it would.

1/3 of the promised chapters, guys! 2 more can be expected within the next year or so. I can’t make any promises because I don’t know how much free time I’ll have yet.


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1-Pg Stories: No. 772

Hello, hello, hello! I’m here to introduce our new Korean TL: Calamansi Ensj! The following is a Korean short story that they have translated. Although I can tell you right now that nobody else here understands Korean, Calamansi Ensj is a translator who is quite well-known in the translator community for his quality (does just “ensj” sound familiar?), so please be welcoming~ I promise this isn’t MTL~~

As for why his name is different here, well, this is an orange-themed group, you know~? Of course I have to take advantage of being in charge (sorta) to make everyone pick an orange species to be named after, right~? ; 3

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GG Chapter 3

Is this an illusion? Is this a dream? No! It’s reality!

More seriously, I’m really sorry, guys, I had a hard time taking care of this, B1G1F, and real life all at the same time. The good news is that since I dropped B1G1F, I won’t have to worry about releases for that anymore. The bad news is I’m still going to be busy even though that won’t be an additional issue.

I also have a bunch of shorts I’ve had to put on hold for a while and one is even Korean! More on that when I get that far, hehe.

I know this is really irresponsible of me, but I can’t seem to only work on one project without burning out quickly, so I’ll be doing a few teasers on the side. I plan to somewhat regularly (ish?) update one of the teasers with an additional chapter when I can, but I don’t think I’ll officially pick anything up until I’ve finished up GG, simply because I’ve found I’m extremely fickle about projects.

So, for now, I hope you enjoy the teasers (when they come out) and this lovely chapter that took forever!


Jewel Excavation changed to Jewel Extraction

“Blacksmithing” skill changed to Equipment Forging

剑侠 (Censorship’s character classification) changed from “swordsman” to “wanderer” because 剑客 also exists, apparently. It also was “wandering swordsman” for a while, but hopefully not too many people read it as that.

Slight changes in naming of the Healer Job Classes (took out “The” from “The Classic of Herbal Medicine” because it works better as a job class name).

In-game currency changed to “gold” because this translator is a noob and doesn’t always read properly T^T

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B1G1F Chapter 036 and Announcement

Hi all, I’m sorry to say that I will be dropping B1G1F.

School just keeps getting busier and, unfortunately, I like GG a lot more than I like this project, so. . . priorities!

Yes, I released a lot more of this project than of GG, but that’s mostly because it is easy to translate and the chapters are really short. That means that translating it in my limited free time goes a lot faster.

However, I’d much rather work on something I genuinely enjoy than to keep forcing me on a project I’d be dropping eventually anyway because of the path the story takes later on.

I won’t go into details (you can read spoilers for that), but the story gets quite a lot darker later on to an extent that I am extremely uncomfortable with where it all goes.

I will also be doing a few teasers on the side because, no matter how much I like a project, I still need to switch up what I work on a bit every once and a while. . . . (My brain can only take so much of something before it needs a break. . . .)

Before anyone freaks out, I’m dropping this after I release chapter 37, so there’s one more chapter. I did my best to make sure the cliff wouldn’t be too big, but, well, you know how it is with this kind of story. . . .

Once again, sorry everyone, and I hope you enjoy this second to last chapter!

B1G1F Chapter 036